Friday, April 13, 2012

Liberal Safari # 2

Here is a quick rundown of an interaction I just had with the idiots over at PoliticusUSA. In this article, the author Rmuse repeated the long ago debunked myth that Romney was receiving a shoeshine on the tarmac before boarding his flight. You can read a quick summary of the details here at NPR.

Unfortunately the article has now been updated based on my helpful feedback. The first paragraph originally read thusly:
"Throughout the long Republican presidential primary, Willard Romney has attempted to identify himself as a regular guy who understands the working class, but regardless taking his tie off and donning denim pants, there is the iconic photo of him sitting next to a private jet while one of his staff members gives him a shoeshine."

DISCLAIMER: I can’t remember the exact phrasing used, but it definitely said something very close to that, specifically mentioning Romney getting a shoeshine.I am currently trying to find a cached version of the page.

Well, here’s what it now reads:
"Throughout the long Republican presidential primary, Willard Romney has attempted to identify himself as a regular guy who understands the working class, but regardless taking his tie off and donning denim pants, there is the iconic photo of him sitting next to a private jet while he receives private security screening and avoids an average Americans’ wait to go through airport security."
 This magical change occurred about 20 minutes after I posted this to the comments section:
Winston: Good lord, how did you people not get the memo that Romney is not getting a shoeshine in that picture? You people are like 2 months behind every single issue. You were still reporting about how it was weird that Santorum brought his dead child home a week after even major news organizations were admitting that this was actually the recommended practice, last week you were still referring to the truncated Zimmerman 911 transcript days after NBC had fired an editor for deceptive editing, and now you are running a photo of Romney getting a security check and calling it a shoe shine literally months after that lie had been debunked. Read the news, learn the facts, and then you will naturally start voting Republican. Anyway, good luck.
Now, I had also recently been on this same author’s case a few days ago when in this article he wrote the following:
There is also a racial element to Zimmerman’s intent in the 911 call because he says, “he’s a black male…Something’s wrong with him…These assholes, they always get away.”
To which I replied:
Winston: Well, Mr. Rmuse you are a shameless liar. Here is the transcript of what Zimmerman said:
Funny, it appears as if you spliced together three completely disparate pieces of the conversation to make Zimmerman look like a racist. You also failed to mention that the “He’s a black male” comment was in response to the 911 dispatcher specifically asking the race of the individual Zimmerman was reporting.
Seriously, how dare you.
I look forward to you posting a correction and an apology. Also, if I were Zimmerman, I would sue you for defamation. Maybe he will.
Now, back to today’s exchange. I finally got a response from the shameless liar, Rmuse:
Rmuse: Winston, an error is not a lie, but making that accusation is an error and you will be banned. Intelligent discourse and critical analysis are welcomed here and get better results. But, it means reading in context for a theme and not focusing on one phrase. It is a FOX News trait and does not speak well of a person’s comprehensive ability. It also explains voting Republican.
You see that folks? Pointing out egregious factual errors is not “intelligent discourse”, but apparently lying is. Also, notice how he whines that I’m unfairly focusing on the facts..what a pathetic douche. Lastly, how laughable is it that he claims they welcome discourse, yet are banning the only person on the entire site with a differing opinion solely because I had the audacity to point out that he was clearly factually incorrect. This is liberals in a nutshell.

I replied back:
Winston: Fine Rmuse, errors should be updated to show the original mistake.
I am willing to accept this was a mistake, but you still haven’t answered for your editing of the Zimmerman transcript the other day. I called you a liar because I have noticed a pattern of deception. Maybe both were honest mistakes, I have no idea. I don’t understand why I should be banned for pointing out the truth. Seems like you are afraid that I may catch more “mistakes”.
You won’t see this though in the comments, since most of what I wrote has now been scrubbed, including some wonderful side jabs at the other assorted idiots on the site who were trying to argue that Rmuse’s lie doesn’t matter because the spirit of what he was saying in the whole article is true. Similar to what Rmuse said in his response to me. You know, it’s the whole “fake but true” defense that the media loves to employ when lying and smearing Republicans.

UPDATE: Rmuse has also scrubbed his reply to me, since it is basically an admission that he altered his post rather than updating it as someone with integrity would do. 

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